Hello, and welcome to My Queendom, YOUR Queendom, a space for you to feel safe, informed, empowered, and inspired while becoming a part of a community dedicated to women's holistic wellness. Here, your voice, your health, and overall well-being matter. When you see the domain myqueendom.com, it is my hope that you will see yourself as the "my" in building a queendom of your own. Every woman deserves to be the leading lady of her life. Own that throne.
I am known to most as CC, which is short for Cristina Elizabeth Córdoba. I was born in Queens, NY and raised a Jersey girl on the shore. My heritage as a Colombian and Puerto Rican woman is integral to who I am today and has inspired my journey as an artist, designer, dancer, actor, singer, writer, wellness professional, and business woman. With roots in journalism and a career spent between the two worlds of my artistic endeavors and marketing, I have now married the two in what finally feels like home. My Queendom is my home, and I hope it will be yours, too.
BA Journalism (Magazine Writing) | BA English (Creative Writing) (RU)
MBA Candidacy (Marketing) (RU)
Public Relations Certificate (NYU)
Graphic Design (RISD)
Yale Writer's Workshop (Book coming soon)
AFAA Certs in Group Exercise and Wellness Coaching (In Progress)
Dance Training +15 years
Barre & Ballet Toning Certs
Pilates (In Progress)
Zumba Licences (Zumba, Kids, Aqua, Circl Mobility, Strong)
ZEBRA! I have a genetic condition called hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which I was finally diagnosed with on Rare Disease Day, 2/29/24. It's actually not so rare, but rarely diagnosed, and I am a fierce queen advocate for my fellow zebras and in enlightening the medical and public communities about this dynamically debilitating connective tissue disorder. My mission is to dazzle (a zebra herd) the world!